Guidance For Members on Returning To Club Runs
Under Phase 3 of the Scottish lockdown easing, we’re delighted that Cani-Sports Edinburgh can restart club runs. We’ve missed you guys! We’ll need to do it gradually though and get used to things still being a bit different for a while, initially under a very strict set of guidance that we’ve explained below. We’ll follow Scottish Government guidance, and get back to normal just as soon as we can.
To start with, we’ll be trialling the return to club runs at Vogrie Country Park on Saturday mornings. Obviously we’re in summertime and the usual caveats regarding temperature and humidity apply, so the run leader retains the right to cancel or revert to a walk if the weather conditions aren’t right – any decisions always made in the interests of our dogs’ safety.
We ask you to follow this guidance whether a run or a walk.
COVID-19 requirements
Scottish Government guidance should be followed in reference to regular hand hygiene and physical distancing. A couple of vital things:
- Do not attend any club event if you or anyone in your household are experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19.
- If you develop symptoms within 14 days of attending any CSE club run, you must inform the run organiser and adhere to the Government track and trace requirements.
Physical distancing and avoiding contact
In phase 3, people can meet in extended groups outdoors with physical distancing. We’ll be starting back but avoiding any points of contact between members, and that means a couple of temporary changes. Initially, we’ll not be lending kit, so runners will need to have their own canicross kit to join in. And we’ll not be collecting in membership cards before runs either. We hope to be able to change this soon and get back to welcoming new runners as soon as we’re able. We say more about keeping our distance below.
We’ll likely review and adapt this guidance with experience and as we transition out of lockdown.
Club Runs Under Phase 3
- Groups will initially be limited to four people (five including run leader)
- We plan to have two groups and each will be led by a committee member. These runs will have different start times and/or different routes. Please make a note of which event you sign up for and who your run leader is.
- We will be meeting in the overflow car park at Vogrie, which will give us a larger gathering area.
- Runs will start on time and the group will not be able to wait for latecomers. Please be at the start and ready to run a couple of minutes before your assigned start time, to allow for a short briefing from the run leader.
- When signing up for a run you will only be able to sign up one person.
- Initially, we will be using Eventbrite to manage numbers. There might be a waiting list. If you sign up and then can’t make it, please update your RSVP or, if it is the morning of the run, message your run leader directly.
- We must maintain accurate records of all run attendees in accordance with contact tracing requirements. Please ensure the contact details we hold for you are up to date.
- Club runs will initially be restricted to paid-up club members with their own kit. There will be no kit for loan until further notice.
- We will not be collecting membership cards to confirm attendance. With smaller runs, we anticipate a simple head count will be manageable initially. Can any participant leaving the run early, or finishing and leaving the venue before the run leader has reached the finish should ensure they ‘check out’ by messaging the leader.
- Social distancing will be maintained at all times by participants, with each other and with members of the public and other park users.
- Runners should give way and make space for other park users, and should run in single file when not in wide open areas, so that groups of runners do not block the paths for other park users or people wishing to overtake.
- We will not be undertaking mass starts. We will operate a staggered start (a few seconds apart) to ensure adequate spacing. Eventually, this will operate on a seeded basis, which will minimise as far as possible the necessity of overtaking. There will be a minimum of 2m between runners on the trail.Photograph: Ja San Miguel/Unsplash